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Earl N. Jenkins Elementary School

Earl N. Jenkins Elementary School, located on the east side of the Las Vegas Valley and at the base of Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, is a prototype elementary school consisting of two-stories; level one is 77,272 SF and level two is 26,657 SF, totaling 103,929 SF. Constructed as an anchor to the last phase of the Sunrise Highlands master planned community, its location at the end of Vegas Valley Drive serves to place the school as a destination for learning in the community. The orientation of the building on the site responds to consideration of the surrounding residential neighborhood and traffic circulation, with the elevation of the site allowing for largely uninterrupted views of the valley.

Providing a safe, easily identifiable and vibrant learning environment was of primary concern for the design team. The building is organized so that related activities are grouped together and shared resources are centralized. Kindergarten classrooms are housed in their own wing of the school, with a dedicated play area. Music and physical education classrooms are located adjacent to the multipurpose room for access, and classrooms are grouped into the two-story learning center. Special programs, the library, and the administration are grouped at the heart of the school.

In addition to providing insular classrooms and standard learning environments, the design team sought to advance the character and function of otherwise neglected spaces. As such, the main circulation corridor in the learning center, along the southern portion of the facility, has been enhanced without adding extra costs or program area. Core building functions serve as a buffer, further isolating sound transmission between the classrooms and corridor; thus providing a more dynamic interior that serves as both an area for circulation and breakout educational opportunities. The learning center is oriented east to west and benefits from a series of large roof monitors along the corridor, providing daylighting throughout the space. Furthermore, the organization of the building program creates private courtyards that serve as special outdoor learning environments.

Project Facts


Construction Complete

Completion Year



103,929 SF


Las Vegas, Nevada


Clark County School District

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